
Tarim Oilfield produces 470 mln metric tons of oil and gas equivalent over 34 years


Tarim Oilfield produces 470 mln metric tons of oil and gas equivalent over 34 years

2023-04-12 15:40:46 來源:ECNS.cn

(ECNS) -- The Tarim Oilfield has produced about 470 million metric tons of oil and gas equivalent over the past 34 years, making it the main producer in China's ultra-deep oil and gas resources, said the Tarim Oilfield of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China's leading oil and gas producer, on Monday.

Located in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, Tarim Basin, with an area of 560,000 square kilometers, is a major petroliferous basin in China.

The latest oil and gas resource evaluations show that oil and gas resources in the Tarim Basin with depth exceeding 6,000 meters account for 83.2 percent and 63.9 percent of China's total, respectively, and about 19 percent of the total global ultra-deep oil and gas resources, indicating tremendous exploration and development potential.

In recent years, the Tarim Oilfield has made significant breakthroughs in ultra-deep exploration and development.

In March, the Tarim OilfieldGuole 3C wellcompleted a remarkable feat by drilling to a depth of 9,396 meters.As of now, the Tarim Oilfield has successfully drilled 72 wells that are more than 8,000 meters deep, and has drilled more than 1,600 wells that are deeper than 6,000 meters, accounting for over 80 percent of China's ultra-deep wells.

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