
On-site visits improve cultural experience of beautiful Xinjiang: scholars


On-site visits improve cultural experience of beautiful Xinjiang: scholars

2023-11-23 23:52:56 來(lái)源:Ecns.cn

By Xue Lingqiao 

(ECNS)-- “People need to know about the real Xinjiang, where various ethnic minorities coexist and thrive,” said renowned historian Ji Lianhai in an interview at a sharing session of “Xinjiang Through the Eyes of Locals” held in Beijing on Thursday. He added that the coexistence and thriving of diverse cultures, the spectacular natural scenery and long history are three keywords in his impressions of Xinjiang.

The opening ceremony of a sharing session of “Xinjiang Through the Eyes of Locals” is held in Beijing on November 16, 2023. (Photo/Global Times Online)
The opening ceremony of a sharing session of “Xinjiang Through the Eyes of Locals” is held in Beijing on November 16, 2023. (Photo/Global Times Online)

Different ethnic groups live in harmony

Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has been a multiethnic region since ancient times, where various ethnic groups thrive, and harmoniously coexist, to jointly build a beautiful homeland on the vast areas both north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. 

During the event, Wang Meng, a renowned writer and former Culture Minister of China recalled his time living in Xinjiang from 1963 to 1979, saying the 16-year life in the region contributes to his literary creations, resulting in the publication of his work under the title "Zhe Bian Feng Jing" (Unique Landscape) in 2013.

Recollecting his memorable years in Xinjiang and the history of Yili, Wang expressed his gratitude to the people of Xinjiang. 

“Xinjiang is now on the track of rapid social and economic development, and its culture and education are advancing”, Wang said, adding that he wishes and aspires for a better Xinjiang.

Ji has been to Xinjiang for over 10 times and has been deeply impressed by the harmonious coexistence of various ethnic groups.

“People of all ethnic groups live in harmony in Xinjiang. The prosperity of Xinjiang will be beneficial not only for local development but also for China’s and global development,” Ji told ECNS in the interview.

He also mentioned that the peaceful coexistence of diverse ethnic groups to build Xinjiang has always been mainstream since Zhang Qian, an envoy of the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-25 AD), began his journey to the Western regions over 2,000 years ago. 

Guests pose for a group photo during the sharing session of “Xinjiang Through the Eyes of Locals” held in Beijing on November 16, 2023. (Photo: Ecns.cn/Xue Lingqiao)

Similar feelings are shared by an Internet influencer from Taiwan, who said that the people in Xinjiang are warm-hearted and always ready to share what they have.

Dr. Nazmus Sakib is a Bangladeshi pediatrician. Having visited cities like Karamay in Xinjiang, he believes Xinjiang is a place of multicultural integration. 

“Xinjiang is a place where many ethnic groups live together in harmony by exchanging and integrating their cultures,” said the Bangladeshi pediatrician, adding that the intermingling of diverse cultures makes Xinjiang rich in folk arts, music, dance and food, and people who visit there can have a variety of life experience.

Natural scenery spectacular

“Located in northwest China, Xinjiang boasts three mountains and two basins, where visitors can find almost all landscapes except for the sea,” said Ji, on his travels to Xinjiang and his love for the region.

He told ECNS that many of the landscapes in Xinjiang are significantly different from other parts in China. Kalajun grassland in Xinjiang’s Tekes County covers over 1,000 square kilometers and it is nearly impossible to travel around all its scenery in limited visits.

“Xinjiang is the most popular destination in the Chinese mainland among students,” said the Internet influencer from Taiwan to the session, while sharing her personal survey at the campus in Taiwan.

Sakib also contributed his views of Xinjiang on the social media platform, to share with foreign students what the real Xinjiang is like, especially the beautiful natural scenery and diverse cultures.

Time-honored intangible cultural heritage thriving

The splendid Chinese civilization and long Chinese history were created by all ethnic groups of China. Meng Lulu, whose leather carving studio was listed as a municipal intangible cultural heritage in Urumqi, shared her stories.

Meng presented ECNS with a representative pocket in leather carving, of which the origin can be traced back more than 3,000 years, to a leather kettle with vortex pattern unearthed in Hami of Xinjiang, or the pocket pattern seen in the murals of Qiuci culture.

“The styles of pocket grew ever more brilliant as different cultures merged, exchanged, and communicated after the restoration. It also fits the modern aesthetics of beauty,” said Meng.

She hopes that the intangible cultural heritage can finally be handed down through her persistence.

Innovations stemming from new technologies and concepts provide Meng’s creation with more presentations. During the interview, she introduced that the AI and big data technologies are used to develop distinctive designs with modern aesthetic beauty.

Meng Lulu shares with Ecns one of her leather carving work after the sharing session of “Xinjiang Through the Eyes of Locals”is held in Beijing on November 16, 2023. (Photo: Ecns.cn/Xue Lingqiao)

Meng specifically mentioned the idea of active inheritance, which has incorporated making process of creative cultural products onto the video platform. “I hope these short videos can be good channels for presenting and promoting our culture”, Meng introduced.

“The techniques and culture behind the heritage are important to be known, especially those with distinctive Xinjiang features and regional stories”, Meng added.

Embracing prosperity amid new opportunities 

Located in the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, Xinjiang is China’s window to the West. Speaking of the new opportunities brought by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Sakib from Bangladesh

told ECNS that people from Bangladesh and China have a deep traditional friendship that allows the two countries to carry out cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, economy and trade, and culture and tourism. 

“In the field of economy and trade, Xinjiang, as an important agricultural production base in China, is well known both at home and abroad for its specialty agricultural products, such as Xinjiang cotton, raisins and walnuts,” said the Bangladeshi, hoping that the two countries can cooperate in agricultural technology and trade in agricultural products to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

“In addition, the two countries can also strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of culture and tourism. Xinjiang has a rich ethnic culture, while Bangladesh also has a world cultural heritage and unique folk customs. Both sides can strengthen cultural exchanges, promote tourism development and enhance their friendship between the two countries.”

Bangladeshi pediatrician Dr. Nazmus Sakib receives an interview after the sharing session of “Xinjiang Through the Eyes of Locals” is held in Beijing on November 16, 2023. (Photo: Ecns.cn/Xue Lingqiao)

His idea was agreed by historian Ji, who said that as the region boasts the most land ports in China, 17 of Xinjiang’s 20 national first-class land ports are open all year round. Ji emphasized the significance of establishing efficient transportation channels to enhance Xinjiang's role as a "gateway." He further explained his expectation that more Chinese products could be transported worldwide from the Xinjiang ports. 

The vast Xinjiang accommodates distinctive cultures of various ethnic groups. Here, different cultures merge, allowing diverse ethnic groups to prosper together.

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